Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Struggles In Losing Weight For Health and Aesthetics

I've started off my dieting and exercising at 111 kilograms and it was due to the time that I fainted when I was cycling uphill. Got to the doctor and found out that I had high-blood pressure and blood sugar that is at the edge almost exceeding the limit. That's when I started to finally start losing weight and never go fat back again as it had almost killed me.

I'm not really in a hurry to reduce all my fat but as long as I get to reduce my fat percent in the long run, that'll be very okay. The workout that started loosing my weight was dumbbells. I've just researched what exercises were available to execute using dumbbells and it did work. It lost me a few kilograms but what happened was I was not knowledgeable when it comes to fitness. I ended up basing my exercises on reps and not basing on dieting with calorie deficit / calorie counting paired with exercise intensity. What happened was my body went sore every time after finishing the session.

What became my main routine is to go cycling when there is free time. Why go cycling rather than go to the gym?

There are so many benefits to cycling outdoors rather than spinning:

1) Get to tour around Cebu City and other cities and possibly the whole Cebu Island.
2) Go for a fun on a road-trip (may get you hotheaded of other vehicles on the street).
3) Sightseeing on some tourist spots.
4) Meeting new people. You get to when go for a pitstop to replenish your burned Calories.
5) Memorize every nook and cranny in your cycling course.

This is how my body looks like before starting the cycling lifestyle. 

Fat Filipino Holding Samsung Phone For Mirror Selfie
Me at 111 kilograms feeling unhappy and unhealthy. 
Starting the diet was a challenge. You always get tempted to eat based on your old dieting plan. However, I got used to it. This dieting plan won't be permanent anyway. So when the time comes that my target weight and body fat percent will be achieved, I will consume the right amount of calories and above maintenance calories it's because cycling would still burn the calories (deficit). I'd spend money on food than gas for machines.

This is how I look now.

Fat Guy Holding Samsung Phone For Mirror Selfie Body Figure Check
100 kg and it was not that easy to achieve it.
Took me a few month to achieve this! I don't want to revert back to being fat! I hate being fat because it brings lots of disease and I want to live longer. Vowed to myself that I'll keep dropping my weight until I've reached the right fat percent for my height and age. Until then, I'll continue my cycling hobby as a way to enjoy my free time and burn the fat.