Saturday, December 10, 2016

Philippines Open To Foreign Business Investors This 2017 by Pres. Rodrigo Duterte

We have a very good news to the investors worldwide! As the President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, vows to open more to foreign investors because the progress of the Philippine Economy is slow due to the fact that there is corruption going on and the monopoly of the prices to make it expensive and that is hurting the poor Filipino people and making it hard to get by. As the whole world is moving forward the Philippines gets left behind.

I’m not very familiar with the law regarding running a business in the Philippines but there is this law that gives a handicap to foreign investors owning a business in the land. If I’m not mistaken, for foreign investors to have a business in the Philippines it should be a partnership with a Filipino businessman.

What I’m really interested in this topic is the Telecommunications Industry. Now If the proposed plan of the President pushes through there will be more Telecom providers in the Philippines. Why is that a good news for me? The reason is, if there are more competitors on Philippines Internet Service Providers then prices might go down and industry will have to push through for better services.

Internet is indeed improving in the Philippines but it is really expensive and the speed is not that great regarding what the online economy is into right now. From online gaming to video content creators needing more data in uploading and downloading.

There was this tasty news about Telstra Corp. Ltd. From Australia to invest in the Philippines with a joint venture with San Miguel Corp. But didn’t push through because they didn’t agree to somewhat they call an equity investment structure. That’s sad but at least there is some light of hope that the Telecom industry in the country has a chance to push farther than what its services can provide in the present.

I do really hope that 2017 will be a brighter future for the Internetians (us people who primarily make a living out of the internet). Let’s give our full support for the President to push this through. Thank you so much listening to me being enthusiastic about the future of the economy.

PHL opening telecom industry to foreign players by 2017
Duterte wants to open PHL telecoms, airwaves, energy sectors
Duterte says he'll open Philippines to new companies in bid to fix graft
Duterte vows to open up telecom, energy sectors to new players
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